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Yaweihua company has designed, produced and operated gas pressure regulating equipment since 1995 (technical consultation 400-089-7166)

The company adheres to the principle of being brave in innovation and paying attention to talents, pays attention to environmental friendliness, and maintains
Good relationship of honesty and win-win.


  • To ensure the safe and stable supply of natural gas, China will accelerate the construction of gas

    In order to ensure the safe and stable supply of energy, China is accelerating the construction of natural gas production, supply, storage and marketing system and gas storage infrastructure. On May 17, six 270000 m3 LNG storage tanks of CNOOC Yancheng LNG project were hoisted, and the pressure of 270000 m3 LNG storage tanks in Sinopec Qingdao LNG terminal was raised.

  • The unified dispatching of national pipe network is of great significance to the oil and gas industr

    The oil and gas storage and transportation system mainly includes important storage and transportation facilities such as oil and gas long-distance pipeline, oil depot, gas depot and LNG connecting wharf. The construction of backbone pipe network is the cornerstone. Over the past decade, China has successively completed and put into operation pipelines for the west to East Gas Transmission and China Myanmar oil and gas.

  • The Central Asian natural gas pipeline transported more than 4.67 million tons of gas to China in th

    The Central Asia natural gas pipeline is the first cross-border energy channel of natural gas introduced by land in China. It starts from the border between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the west, crosses central Uzbekistan and southern Kazakhstan, and enters through Horgos port in Xinjiang, China. At present, the three ABC lines have been built in parallel. After entering, it is connected with the second and third lines of West to east gas transmission through Horgos compressor station, It is currently the largest natural gas pipeline in China. In 2021, the Central Asian natural gas pipeline transported 31.733 million tons of gas to China, a year-on-year increase of 12%.

  • The space for China Russia natural gas cooperation continues to expand

    Recently, Gazprom issued a statement saying that it will increase the natural gas supply to China by 10 billion m3 / year via the far east route, and the total supply will be close to 50 billion m3 / year. This move marks a new level of China Russia cooperation in the field of natural gas. Russia is a major natural gas producer and China is a major natural gas demander. Deepening cooperation is a win-win situation for both sides and will have an important impact on the global natural gas market.